Remember the song, "People Let Me Tell You 'Bout My Best Friend", the theme song to Eddie and His Father television show back in the '70's [yes, I date myself]? That is the song you need playing in your head while you look at these photos.
I am documenting Pig and Pup as often as I can and have more images in the hopper to share. Marcella continues to look to Ernest as one fellow who will tolerate her play. Now, she isn't allowed to overplay with him, as that is detrimental in her purpose here, but she seems to look to Ernest as her go-to guy. She lights up when he enters, and the two are usually found together various times of day. She has definitely figured out to stay away from Rosie. I told her that was a grumpy pig, but she had to figure it out on her own.
{See more Pig and Pup by clicking "Read More" below.}