I actually gasped when I looked at this top photo, which I came upon while picking out images for "Donkey Dream" layouts.
Make that a,
"Oh my God" gasp.
It was The Head Troll when she first arrived at Apifera back in about 2007. I couldn't believe how thin she was. We named her Franklinia or Frankie since she immediately appeared in manner to be a tom boy [that was spot on]. But as she settled in and more and more Misfits arrived, it was clear her destiny here was much larger than just being one of the gang. She was going to keep the gang in order, her way.
Frankie came from a caring home, along with Paco, but it was overcrowded with way too many jacks, bucks and nasty peacocks. The woman was willing to let me take her along with Paco because she said the goat was...too bossy and ate all the food.
Hmmm. The Head Troll? Bossy? Let's all laugh out loud now at how perfectly funny and true that is.
I didn't have much goat experience then, none really, but somehow I had picked her out as someone I wanted to bring to Apifera. At the time, I don't even remember thinking she looked poorly, but now that I see this, it shocks me. If I saw a pygmy like that today, I'd take it in a second, or try to help the person understand how thin and poorly conditioned it looked. So we all learn as we go along. I'm just glad I somehow was connected to her that day.
Frankie, ah em, The Head Troll, is aging. I noticed she has slowed down somewhat this past year. She is still in charge, still the only one allowed in the hay barn/feed area–now along with Marcella, the bain of her existence–but I notice her resting more. I don't want to think of a day where Apifera doesn't have The Head Troll. I know, it will happen-I should know as I talk about the cycle of life and all that-but I can't see Apifera without her. As I've said before, I surely hope she haunts the place after she is gone. I could live with that.