Bessie and Little Lil have given us twin girls, and last night Edith delivered two big boys. All went well and I'm grateful for that. Even Little Lil, who is a first time mom, is handling her lambs like a pro. The instinct is so interesting to watch. This morning the weather was perfect and Bessie and her girls ventured out into the world for the first time. Edith and Bessie are taking it slower and stayed in the interior barn but I'm sure will be out and about by day's end or tomorrow. Lots of napping going on, that's for sure.
Bessie threw an all brown girl-never had a solid colored lamb before. Real pretty. I love the genetics of coloring and am a total novice at it. But each ewe has thrown one dark brown lamb and one white/speckled lamb. Walter is deep red with some white. I was told that if a ewe is all white, she can still throw color-which is defiantly true and our line is full of color. If they have spots on their skin-if you look through their hair onto their body-they can throw lots of spots and color. It's interesting too that Edith-all deep brown-was bred to a brown ram, but this year and last lambing she threw a brown lamb but also a pure white one.
So now we wait on poor Betty- who seems to always be the biggest, and always lambs a few days or more after the others. I thought she was in pre labor last night, but she fooled me.