One of my followers sent me this photo she took at Northshire Books in Saratoga Springs, NY. It made me really happy. And proud.
It's a great bookstore and they also bought stock for their Vermont store which is great feather in my book hat. I love getting pics like this so if you see my books anywhere, please send me a secret spy photo! Or go visit this great store, or one listed below, and buy them all so they order more!
When I see these simple photos of my books, sitting next to other books published by "real" publishers, I'm proud. I have created two beautiful books, all by myself, and I raised the money to do it both times. A book store of this caliber would not be buying them if they did not think the same. In fact, many bookstores will not consider indie books even though the stigma of 'self published' is definitely waning. If they do, many insist on consignment, and returns, or they only allow local authors and tuck them all into a Local Author book shelf. I know there are many horrible self published books so they have to set some perimeters, but I just know when people look at my book, they buy it. And, the writing is good too. I worked with a
former editor from Chronicle books on the writing-best money I ever spent, he taught me so much and I'd love to work with him again someday.
I am beginning a new book very shortly. It is in my head right now and I have gotten bids from my printer so have the 'feel' of the book in my heart and head. It will involve Misfits of course, and will be presented in my usual non commercial style. When I first began thinking about what book I wanted to write next, I started at the wrong end–I was thinking about what I could write that had the best chance of finding a traditional publisher. I felt that would increase my following and show more and more of an audience my work as artist and caretaker here at Apifera. I want more people to see my work here, and my art. I have a nice following, but I want a bigger following and deserve it, gosh darn it.
But it is very hard to get a traditional publisher to pick up books like the one I'm starting-I tend to like to mash memoir into fiction and illustrate it in what they always label "beautiful but quirky", code for non commercial.
So at first, I thought I'd write a book without any art or images, strictly real life stories about my work here at Apifera, with my animals-hospicing them, caring for the special needs they have, burying them, dealing with illness and death, etc-and how all it teaches us humans. I realized that is an idea I can pitch to some publishers. And that will leave to me to start my next self publishing book- which I can't wait to start, and get you all excited about too, because I'm going to have to raise some money again.
In the meantime, thank you to all of you who have helped my books in one way or another, and to the many of you that return to buy more as gifts over and over, and to the stores that have given my book a chance!
Retail Stores that carry my books, journals and/or postcards:
Bella Luna, Rehobo Beach, DE
Brookline Booksmith, Brookline, MA
Camerons, Carrboro, NC
Celebrations, Deep River, CT
Derby Farm Flowers, MA
Heart Strings, Clinton NJ
Heavenly Metal, Ann Arbor MI
Imagine, Santa Barbara, CA
Joanne Rossman, Roslindale, MA
Kingdom of Herbs, New York, NY
Monticello on Jefferson, Sturgeon Bay, WI
Nesting, Concord MA
Northshire Books, Saratoga Springs, NY
Northshire Books, MAnchester, VT
Old and Everlasting, Cazenovia, NY
Porter Square Book, Cambridge MA
Roost, Salem MA
Schuyler Pond, Saratoga Springs, NY
Stonefish, Tenant's Harbor, ME
Swag, Northfield, MN
Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, OH
Terston, Kent, CT
The Adamson Gallery, Sacramento, CA
The Backdrop, Woodstock, IL
Third St. Books, McMinnville, OR
Three Birds, Seattle WA
Tinsel Bright Trading, Gorham, ME
Under the Dogwood Tree, Southwest Harbor, ME