"She never wanted diamonds or pearls, she always said "Honey,
they're too much money""...
Last nite, Martyn felt rather badly, as he had not made a concrete plan for my 50th today. I had no problem with this, as I have always been a self entertaining unit from a young age, and I had made some birthday plans for today - a donkey walk with my friend where we would meet a mile from here, she with her donkey, and I with my donkey. On the way, we would pick up litter. We had dubbed this the Lucia Litter Patrol, and I made buttons. We hope to do this a few times a year. Picking up litter with a donkey is a slow process, but it was a nice day, and my day got even brighter when I arrived at our meeting point to see Angelo [father to Pino and Lucia] adorned in fresh daffodils. Now tell me, what could have made my birthday better?
I arrived home to find a package from a friend - fresh brownies and a bee house, complete with live, newly hatched bees. I baked a white cake with chocolate frosting later in the day, and had many nice calls and notes.
Last nite, Martyn suggested a spontaneous dinner out to celebrate early. But it was already late in the day, and I said, "What would really be fun is to build a bonfire and grill hot dogs." Within an hour, my gallant king had whipped up a new firepit, carried a table and chairs, candles and blankets to the area. Some fancy pants people would not consider drinking good red wine with hot dogs, but for me, a hot dog is such a decadent splurge. We eat really healthy, but I love hot dogs, as disgusting as they are. Combined with wine, ah, I was in heaven. As the nite grew dark, and the fire lit the scene, the donkeys appeared in the orchard behind us. The glow of the fire lit up their faces and 3 pairs of ears. I was so happy.