More Post Pie Day Picture Plethora....Introducing, Collette, aka Coco. She speaks in English babble, head and hand gestures, smiles, and a dash of french. We were so happy to meet Mlle. Coco, the first born of a Kailla, friend and colleague of Martyn's [who
also made this wonderful apron for Pie Day].
Another neat story - Kailla brought her father, her step mom, and her sister. Martyn and I actually stayed in her father's wonderful Bend home for a weekend after we were first married, so it was fun to meet him. And her step mom knocked me off my feet when

she said, "And I am one of your father's biggest fans." I had no idea, but she knew my father from the Craft Gallery in Portland where my father volunteered before he became ill. She said nice things about him, we chatted about him for a time. I thought that was really cool, that it was father's day and all, and out of the blue, this giant message appeared from the universe, via a living soul...

Now, back to Coco. Unbeknownst to Kai, I contemplated taking little Coco and putting her in a stall, or the chicken coop, out of site. Then I could just keep her a little while. But, I remembered taking a neighbor's bike when I was five, and hiding it, and even though I had the bike, I couldn't take it, I stopped myself. Besides, Kailla is meant to be Coco's teacher in this world, it's quite clear.