When I stood back and looked at the studio wall, hanging with floral that I'll use for dried lavender swags, I had a moment. You know, the "Pinch me, I'm pretty happy and lucky" moment. One can have all the money in the world, but I have flowers hanging against a paint spattered wall, creating a natural Pollock Avec Monet...
I am running around a lot, so many pokers in so many fires. The show is in two weeks, working on lavender wholesale items for the market, vegetable garden is in, and planning pie parties. This month I'm devoting as many 2 hour spurts after 6pm to work in the lavender field. It's my favorite time of year out there, the lavender scent is so subtle right now, there are no bugs, and it's cool. My sheep are with me, and when I see Martyn's truck drive up the road about 8 pm, I know a glass of red wine beckons - after I give kisses to all equines, and old goats [Frankie on the other hand refuses kisses].
So forgive me if my posts have seemed 'spurt like", but May is a 'spurt like' time here on the farm. Everything seems to need doing all at once. But scattered throughout all the hustle, there are many 'pinch me' moments.