I have been spending a lot of time at the The Donkey Sanctuary's site, and they are role models for me. I know I'll never be as big as they are, but I am so inspired by their accomplishments. Not only do they help the donkeys, they educate children and adults about the plight of working donkeys [of which there are many in Europe]. They have subsidiary farms in Europe that also take in donkeys, and each has their own education programs. Some work with donkey therapy for special needs children, and some take the donkeys to the elderly - the latter, oh if I were free and single and farm-less, I'd hop a plane and beg to work there, with room and board in the barn.
I have written them explaining I want to fund raise for them, and hope to hear back in the month. In the mean time, please visit their site, adopt a donkey, donate, or just educate yourselves about the plight of many working donkeys.
This lovely lady here is Consuella, who is 30 years old. This is a Creative Commons copyrighted image, meaning you can post it as long as you give them credit. So pass this post on to donkey lovers.
I'll be posting more from their site - and hope I can help in some way.