One day Apifera received a big box from a kind woman who makes lovely hand made items. She had met many of the barnyard creatures while attending last fall's Art Workshop and inside the box were lots of animal crackers to be shared by them. But what caught the eye first was a beautiful garland of felt and wool she had made. Little did she know it would become a piece of great admiration by so many diverse characters. After last week's sadness, it was good to have such care free joy.
I heard whispers and snippets from the hen house later that day. Florence can never keep anything to herself, and after wearing the Garland, immediately dashed off to her coop to gossip.
"You put it on, and your tail feathers light up and when you close your eyes...well, you'll just have to try it," she explained calmly to the hens, not wanting to seem like it was a big deal.
You might be wondering where Pino, Paco and Lucia are? Or Itty Bitty? The One Eyed Pug? The puppet? Well, I explained that we must spread out the joy of the Christmas they are all anticipating their turn to wear the magical creation. And let's not forget I am helping the Puppet with his pageant, which so far is not going so well - he has such vision but we are both lacking in crafting and set building.