I love my horse more with each ride. Each lesson we take together, we learn not as two separate units but a team - it feels like that now. We have our bad days but I always just look at him in the end and turn to one thought - how much I love him and how glad I am to have him helping me along in life. Boone isn't flashy but he's perfect for me and I think our personalities are sort of similar.
How graced I am to have a body that lets me climb up on top of his strong red back and ride, with the coast range as my backdrop. I don't take it lightly - or if I get cranky or am sunk into a dark day I can always look outside and see him at a distance and remember there was a time I didn't yet have a horse. It took so long - I was well into my late forties. When the front studio door opens in the morning, Boone cries out to me [and the sheer glee that hay is soon to be at his feet]. I love that. Not every horse talks, and it is so nice to have a talker.
I have things to write about - but I'm in a good painting zone right now and I've learned to stay in the zone when I'm fortunate enough to have it come along. The show is in May so I must focus and I'll share a thing or two as I can.