You know the routine...a rap, rap, rap at my studio door followed by scurrying two toed feet. I read the notice and sighed. It's good to be reminded of birthday's by The Head Troll - I do have a list but life gets busy and sooner or later feelings are hurt. We pay special attention to little Paco as he arrived at Apifera with low self esteem and Pino has so many fans and such that I always pay extra notice of Paco's birthday.
So I went to examine the donkey's special cookie stash - cookies sent by loyal followers over the months. It's been so cold I haven't been handing out cookies. There was a pack of Fig Newtons - phew!
But what's this??! The package has been opened, and more than half of the Newtons are gone. The Dirt Farmer was standing there at the time and put his head down in shame. He apologized profusely.
The Dirt Farmer does so many good things around here - for me and the Paco and everyone - that I can't hold it against him. So I will somehow make Paco's birthday cake a hit like last year.
Notes, cookies and money cards may be sent to:
Paco the Poet
c/o Apifera Farm
14710 NW Tupper RD
Yamhill, OR 97148