I was minding my own business, really, watering the vegetable garden. I turned on the sprinkle first to water the top bed, but then also had a hose going to make sure my squash got watered. It was a hot weekend-about 85 and all sun.
And as I stood there squirting the hose into the air, I noticed Aldo appeared out of nowhere. Now, Aldo is not one to rush up to greet people. He is like many llamas, a bit reclusive or just not interested in human company. But there he was, rushing to the water he saw shooting up form my hose. The vegetable garden is adjacent to the orchard where Aldo and the more elderly, crippled Misfits are-like Stevie and Rudy. There is a fence between it but they can see into the garden.
And he stood at the gate, watching me, and the sprinkler. So I squirted water onto him. And he stood waiting for more. He loved it! It was so funny! I was covering is body and head and he made this sweet little face - he was in water heaven. I asked Martyn to hold the hose so I could grab my camera and he said he would, but got distracted and didn't do it, so by the time I came out Aldo had gone off to rest in his newly wet coat, seen here. Curses! I told Martyn that that one photo series might have made it into National Geographic or maybe Llama Monthly or something and we could have been rich.
I will try to schedule another hose down photo op for Aldo. Aldo needs to be sheared, but I am new to llamas and want assistance, and it has to wait until after Pie Day. In the meantime, Aldo will be taking many trips to the hose.