Sometimes I get a bit behind n picking up eggs. In the summer, or war days, if I miss the egg pick up for a couple days it can add up, and I usually just take those eggs tot he barn, to give to the pigs and Marcella as treats. They adore eggs.
Yesterday I made my shopping list for all the pie baking I will be doing and I remembered I have to have about 30 eggs for certain pies. I went out to collect and there was one tiny egg, pink, no doubt it was good old faithful–Henny Penny, our eldest Bantie. She lays the cutest little eggs. But by night there were no more.
I seem to remember this happened last year. I am convinced the hens get together and collaborate in ways to play a bit of a head...er, hen game with me.
"Come on, just for a couple of days, girls, to get her a bit nervous, then we'll pop them out," says Edmonia.
"I want nothing of it, sucking in my eggs gives me upset egg regions and I don't like it," states Chicken Named Dog.
But if you are coming to Pie Day, don't fret, they always come through for me-and the bounty helps make the Chess Pies, and Buttermilk too.