I will be going into pie commando mode now. The donkey is having his pedicure tomorrow and I begin pie prep for Sunday's celebration where we'll be surrounded in donkey love and the souls of many pies.
I'll be needing some time to relax afterwards, but will be getting a slide show ready after Sunday's dust has settled.
I hope to meet some of you - and if you do come- please be sure to find me and introduce yourselves. I'll be the one with a pink glow around me, with electrified braids.
We are so excited to have Cathy Loup from NYC with us again - it is turning into a real tradition and I couldn't do it without her - or at least not as well. And all the other volunteers this year - you will be thanked in classic Pino tradition after the event. And all you apron and banner helpers - Pino is getting his notes to you ready...slowly.
So I'll see you all next week sometime - full of pie.
Post Script: Thank you to the News Register for the nice front page article about Pie Day - it really helps bring people in!