I live in a magical world where not only does the donkey get overseas packages of cookies, but the puppet gets mail too. Yesterday a huge package of vintage fabrics, aprons, cookies and other treats arrived for me and Pino - the donkey - but there was a little tiny apron in there too for Pino - the puppet.
My life is very good, albeit filled with mud and poop of all varieties and consistencies, but it is good and I am very aware of it each day. I'm soaking in every minute so I can hold onto it later - when I might need it the most.
If my posts are short in the coming week it is because the donkey and I have much to do before Pino Pie Day on June 17. I know you will understand. The Head Troll is also driving everyone in the barnyard a bit nuts as she has a certain ambiance she is striving for.