Goose is a busy little goat. Although the look in his eye seems to announce,
"Please excuse me, I am about to be a monkey and get into trouble,"
He is actually the sweetest little fellow, even when he is getting into mischief. He loves to climb the chicken ladder and visit the hens in their private house, always causing pandemonium in the chicken hut - but Goose just stands quietly amongst the cackling hens, calmly stating,
"What is all the fuss, I'm just droppin' in before bedtime."
Goose always comes to greet me, and just as he did when he was very young, he puts his head in between by knees and waits for a back rub. He never runs from me, making him the perfect buddy for Moose - because Moose is very independent and loves to run and hop like a bunny when you get near him. He too is a sweet little lad, but once caught, when I am holding him and smooching on him, his statement is more like,
"Geeze, more kisses?! I am a big boy now! I gotta go!"
That is why Moose isn't in this photo. He was busy being Moose. But Goose was there.