Wilma had her first trim with my farrier. He got a lot of tow off and found an abscess which will be chronic with her since she foundered at some point in her life. Who knows when, but since she is so overweight it probably has been a while.
The best thing I can do for her is get weigh off her and she is on dry lot per see, and Sugee is fed in a separate area. She is on daily Bute to help her pain and I hope in six months we will see some difference in her weight.
Founder causes the bottom of the foot to become soft, and if the foot bone starts to shift it pushes down and worst case scenario the bone comes through the skin. A foundered horse usually is seen standing in a shifted backwards position, rocking back on their heel to try to relieve the pain.
We worked all weekend, again, on the new pony shelter. I'm hoping next weekend we can get it done for the most part. It was hot this weekend which made me move slower than I'd hoped. It's going to be a great place for the ponies, though and they can rub noses with Boone, and the pigs.