This morning I got up early and shook Martyn and said very loudly, "CHICKENS!"
At 9am, our new laying hens would be delivered from a nearby chicken farmer. And, um, well...yes, that is a rooster in the picture. Yes, I took a rooster too. I had to. He was too magnificant not to.
Farmer and chickens are all doing well - this brief post at the end of a long day does not do my new chickens justice, but
I had to get a picture up to show all my chicken friends across the world, that now I too have entered the magnificant world of chickeness. They were quite nervous and rattled this morning after being delivered, but are settling in. By mid afternoon, the rooster was crowing. With each crow, Pino brayed - I am not sure if this will continue, but I found it charming, and it made me happy. I have them confined in their ample 250 sf coop, complete with roost condos and ramps. Chicken heaven. As soon as Martyn gets the gate finished tomorrow, they can free range in their confined area. I want them to get use to the new coop as 'home' before I let them free range all over. Everyone seems to think the cat tribe will not be a problem...I am hopeful this is true. Another reason to let them get well adjusted before they get free rein. No names until I get to know them. I hope to get some work done this week in between chicken visit and chicken photo shoots.
As I shut up the coop, I checked the nests and found three eggs. I screamed "Eggs!'. An animal that actually makes food and packages it, all for us to consume. Magical. But I must work on the screaming.