So, I invested in my new Nikon that I've been wanting, coveting really. As a born and bred Minnesotan, I guess I felt I had to reach some level of accepting myself as good enough photographer to take this next step into camera motherhood. And motherhood it is, for I will be working hard to pay for it, keep the battery well nourished and hope it never gets in a car accident or something catastrophic.
It might seem odd to pay a million dollars for a new camera and then take a picture of...a beard. But you see things in such clarity that even chin hairs become entities of their own. So it's not my best shot - and mind you I have a million more of the same subject, because I also am now the mother of a memory card that holds a billion pictures at once - and my biggest challenge will be...not taking 300 pictures at once of a beard, or a tail, or ears.
But I'm just warning, it might happen.
Stay tuned for the next few days or more of letting me get my ya-ya's out with my new camera. In fact, it might even begin later today.