Years ago, when I was a freshly showered single lass wandering the city for amusement, I always had a farm in my head - where it was I didn't quite know. And I knew that future farm would have goats.
I had always loved them, even though I didn't know any goats and my Uncle Clayton, my farmer muse in North Dakota, never had them to my knowledge. Goats are either in your blood or not. What one person finds charming, another might find worthy of abandonment.
Stella is a big bear Boer goat. She and Iris came to Apifera in 2004 so she is seven years old this month. While all the animals that come and go on Apifera have meanings and unique stories and personalities, some have a huge impression on me as an artist and writer. Stella is one of those. If you've followed this blog over the years, you know these two are monkeys in goat suits.
I find myself spending a lot of time with Stella. She likes people, and is very calm, where as Iris is just as her name implies - a Wild Iris. I can't imagine Apifera without Stella, or Iris. Sometimes I wonder if the farm will just disappear into mist and cover the upper hills as the original animals start to die off. But I can't give death that much power. The earth here is just a stage. The after party might be exceptionally wonderful, and I'll meet up with all my old friends.