This is not the best photo, but I got out of bed yesterday and saw this sweet site-one of the new arrivals, who seems to have the name Sir Tripod Goat at this moment-was sunning next to the old llama. Sir Tripod came with Mrs. Aster, and he was still unsettled at day two after his arrival. He's going to be fine, he just needs to learn who to trust.
I love that Aldo the Elder has become a safe zone for many of the Misfits. I've seen this in other cases, a new animal shows up and they know that Aldo is safe, and usually they sense this in Stevie too. I took Mrs. Aster and Sir Tripod out of the upper barnyard because Mrs. Aster had a slight mishap with Earnest the pig. I caught him mounting her. Oops. But all is well. The dogs also sort of frazzle Sir Tripod, Marcella is still prone to over play sometimes. So I brought them down to the lower Misfit village and they've been soaking up sun and are free of wandering pigs and overzealous dogs.
I know in time Sir Tripod will warm up to me. He is just needing to earn my trust. Raggedy Man was even worse and it took a few months for him not to scatter when others arrived. It will happen. Animal crackers in the pocket will help in the first weeks, but then I'll be mauled by a pack of short statured goats.
The rains are back tonight. I have coats on the elders. One is wearing polk-a-dots, another bright red, and then there is the hunter green jacket held on by hay twine. Fashionistas!
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